The Town Council is delighted to announce the award of its urban grass verge-cutting contract to Countrymans Contractors Ltd.

Starting in June, Seaford’s urban grass-cutting contract will now be managed directly by Seaford Town Council, transitioning from its previous management by East Sussex County Council. This change is a new, more direct working relationship with a key contractor.

Following a competitive, rigorous, and transparent tendering process, Countrymans Contractors Ltd. emerged as the best candidate, demonstrating a superior approach to delivering the two-year contract. The Town Council is confident in Countrymans' ability to meet the high standards required.

The contract will commence with the first of four scheduled cuts in June, ensuring that Seaford’s urban grass verges are well-maintained throughout the year.

Due to the wet and warm weather, which are perfect grass growing conditions, the first cut after No Mow May is likely to be the most difficult and may result in an untidy look. Cut durations last 6 to 7 days and will start with mowing following on with strimming.

A map, which identifies which verges are urban (now under Seaford Town Council’s verge-cutting contract), and which are rural (remaining under East Sussex County Council’s contract) can be found here –

A spokesperson from Seaford Town Council has said: "We know that many residents are concerned about the environmental aspects of cutting verges whilst ensuring that road safety aspects are taken into consideration. We welcome this new working partnership with Countrymans Contractors Ltd. and Seaford Town Council will continue to listen to residents' concerns whilst working closely with local environmental groups.”

This initiative underscores the Town Council’s commitment to maintaining the town’s aesthetic appeal whilst working to support the Towns Council's climate emergency objectives. Seaford Town Council looks forward to a productive partnership with Countrymans Contractors Ltd., enhancing the quality of our urban environment for all residents and visitors.