One of Seaford Town Council’s responsibilities is to consider and respond to consultations published by the Government, East Sussex County Council, Lewes District Council, and other authorities/national bodies.

Consultation responses are considered and agreed at Town Council meetings, most commonly at Planning and Highways Committee meetings and Full Council meetings. When consultations are to be considered, information is presented within meeting papers which can be found here, and discussions held in public session.

Representations made by the Town Council since June 2020 are published on this page. If you have any questions regarding consultations before June 2020, please email

Date: April 2024
Consultation Title: Lewes District Council’s Climate & Nature Strategy Refresh
Town Council Response (click link to download): Climate & Nature Strategy Refresh STC Response
The Climate Change Subcommittee also submitted some overarching comments:

  • Members found a lack of clarity on District council, County council or Town/Parish council responsibilities and areas of influence.
  • Members would like to explore whether synergies between LDC Planning and town council Planning advisory committees in making changes to foster improved urban biodiversity (e.g. swifts and other birds) and water-neutral builds, where actions can be taken at local level if not reliant upon NPPF etc.
  • Lots of ‘to be confirmed’ comments within the draft strategy so STC Members found it  hard to agree or disagree with a document that isn’t further formulated.
  • Would LDC consider a working group, involving reps from local councils, to aid with the discussion and implementation of the strategy?

Date: February 2024
Consultation Title: Lewes Local Plan Response
Town Council Response (click link to download)Lewes Local Plan Response

Date: October 2023
Consultation Title: East Sussex County Council Parking Consultation
Town Council Response (click link to download): Seaford Town Council response to ESCC Parking consultation

Date: September 2023
Consultation Title: Proposed Reforms to Local Plans
Town Council Response (click link to download): Response to DLUHC on Proposed Reforms to Local Plans

Date: July 2023
Consultation Title: Ticket office consultation
Town Council Response:

  • The demographics of Seaford are such that having an accessible and open ticket sales office is important.
  • Closing the Seaford ticket sales office will have a severe negative impact on the public.
  • Not all Seaford members of the public are comfortable with online ticket sales and need to have access to the ticket sales office for more complex tickets and advice from sales staff on best travel and price options.
  • Seaford is working hard to encourage the use of public transport, having a friendly and welcoming environment at the train station is important and significantly helps with this.
  • It is essential that people with diverse and accessibility needs, such as blind or visually impaired, have support at the train station, starting with the ticket sales office to ensure safe travel and comfort to encourage future public transport use.
  • The ticket sales office is a key communication hub for the community, with many visitors starting from the train station and asking for local directions and information.

Date: April 2022
Consultation Title: Glover Review
Town Council Response (click link to download): Response to DEFRA Landscapes Review

Date: October 2021
Consultation Title: National Association of Local Council’s ‘Local Nature Recovery Strategies’
Town Council Response (click link to download): Response to NALC on Local Nature Recovery Strategies

Date: September 2021
Consultation Title: East Sussex County Council’s ‘Improving Bus Services’
Town Council Response (click link to download)Response to East Sussex County Council on Improving Bus Services

Date: July 2021
Consultation Title: Lewes District Council’s ‘Local Plan Issues and Options’
Town Council Response (click link to download)Response to Lewes Local Plan Issues and Options

Date: June 2021
Consultation Title: Government’s Call for Evidence Regarding Remote Meetings
Town Council Response (click link to download)Response to Government’s Call for Evidence Regarding Remote Meetings

Date: March 2021
Consultation Title: Lewes District Council’s Local Plan – Seaford Town Council’s response on Land Availability
Town Council Response (click to download)Response to Lewes District Council’s Local Plan regarding Land Availability

Date: October 2020
Consultation Title: Government’s ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper
Town Council Response (click link to download)Response to Planning for the Future White Paper

Date: June 2020
Consultation Title: East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service’s ‘Planning for a Secure Future’
Town Council Response (click to download)Response to East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service ‘Planning for a Secure Future’