SEAFORD, 12th June 2024 – At Seaford’s iconic Splash Point, hundreds of members of the public gathered to take part in the towns tributes to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.

Following a welcome by Seaford Town Crier, Peter White those in attendance enjoyed a classic set by Seaford Silver Band whilst watching the sun set.

Seaford Town Crier, Peter White.

Seaford Town Crier, Peter White









Seaford Silver Band

Seaford Silver Band







The Mayor of Seaford then read the international tribute:

The Tribute

Let us remember those who gave their lives at home and abroad during the D-Day landings, whose sacrifice enables us all to enjoy the peace and freedom we have today.

Let us remember those who came home wounded, physically and mentally, and the friends and family who cared for them.

Let us remember those who returned to restore their relationships and rebuild their working lives after years of conflict and turmoil.

Let us remember the families that lost husbands, wives, sons, daughters and sweethearts.

Let us remember the servicemen and women and merchant seafarers of all nationalities - from all countries - who fought, suffered and died during the D-Day landings and six years of war.

Let us all remember those in the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force, Merchant Navy, and our Allies - the brave people who kept us safe on the home front and abroad and those in reserved occupations during the difficult time of war.

Let us remember the brave doctors and nurses who cared for the wounded, the men and women who toiled in the fields, the coal mines, the factories and the air raid wardens, police officers, firemen, ambulance drivers and the young people of the Scouts and Guides who all played such a vital role in the war.

The Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Sally Markwell reading the international tribute.

The Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Sally Markwell reading the international tribute.






Followed by a touching poem written by Amelia Pook, a pupil at Cradle Hill Primary School who won the recent Seaford Rotarians Poetry competition about ‘Rebuilding’.

The Meadow of Friendship

In Friendship’s realm where crept
A bond once strong, now tears have wept.
But courage stirred a hopeful seed,
To rebuild bridges, broken in need.

With spoken words, like gentle streams,
We navigate through shattered dreams.
Apologies bloom like flowers in May,
Rebuilding trust in a brand-new way.
Laughter echoes, a melody clear,
Erasing doubts, calming the fear.
In the dance of time, a chance to mend
Rebuilding a friendship on which to depend.
Through valleys low, and mountains high
Together hand in hand, we’ll fly
Past grievances, now left behind,
A friendship rebuilt, forever in bind.

(left to right) Seaford Town Crier, Peter White, Seaford Rotarians Poetry Competition winner, Amelia Pook, and The Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Sally Markwell.

(left to right) Seaford Town Crier, Peter White, Seaford Rotarians Poetry Competition winner, Amelia Pook, and The Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Sally Markwell.








The Seaford Town Crier read the Proclamation:
Oyez, Oyez, Oyez
Today we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France an incredible achievement in military planning and logistics uniting brave service personnel from air, sea and land forces at the beginning of Operation Overlord.

By the day’s end, over one hundred and fifty thousand Allied troops had successfully stormed the now famous Gold, Juno, Sword, Utah and Omaha beaches to achieve a toehold in France.
In the weeks that followed, the Allies fought bitterly against a determined foe from the unforgiving countryside of Normandy to the liberation of Paris two months later.
We should all remember and never forget the selfless sacrifice and courage of all those involved and use this Commemoration to pay our tribute to those who gave so much to secure the freedom we all enjoy today.

God Save the King

Followed by The Last Post by Seaford Silver Band leading to a one minute’s silence before the lighting of the Beacon by Seaford Bonfire Society.

Seaford Town Crier, Peter White Proclamation.

Seaford Town Crier, Peter White Proclamation









Seaford Silver Band, The Last Post.

Seaford Silver Band, The Last Post










Seaford Bonfire Society lighting the Seaford Beacon.


Seaford Bonfire Society lighting the Seaford Beacon








The Mayor of Seaford with the Seaford Beacon.

The Mayor of Seaford with the Seaford Beacon







Seaford Town Council would like to thank all those involved in making this event such a success:
Seaford Town Crier, Peter White
Seaford Silver Band
Seaford Bonfire Society
Sussex Events
Ambulance 4 x 4
And to all members of the public that attended and made the event such a wonderful community commemoration.