SEAFORD, 17th May 2024 – At its Annual Meeting on Thursday 9th May, Seaford Town Council elected Councillor Sally Markwell as its Mayor of Seaford 2024-2025.

The Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Sally Markwell and The Deputy Mayor of Seaford, Cllr Maggie Wearmouth.

(Image One – Councillor Sally Markwell, Mayor of Seaford 2024-2025

Upon election Councillor Sally Markwell said: “I am proud and honoured to have been elected Mayor of Seaford for the forthcoming year.

My fellow Councillors have given me a great privilege and responsibility, and I express my sincere appreciation for placing their trust in me. Over the past year I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve as Councillor Olivia Honeyman’s deputy, I thank her for the exemplary way she fulfilled the role; I have a lot to live up to!

I take the responsibility of being the Mayor of Seaford very seriously and I am committed to serving the people of Seaford to the best of my abilities with enthusiasm, compassion and integrity.

Working alongside local organisations, groups and residents I have been amazed by the dedication that many have shown towards our community. This has inspired me, and I look forward to working with you all!”

The Town Council appointed Councillor Maggie Wearmouth as Deputy Mayor of Seaford (pictured together below).

(Image Two – Councillor Sally Markwell, Mayor of Seaford 2024-2025 and Councillor Maggie Wearmouth, Deputy Mayor 2024-2025)

The Mayor will focus this year on strengthening community resilience by connecting members of the public with fellow residents and community groups in a bid to enhance Seaford’s community cohesion.

Throughout the year, the Mayor will encourage the organisation and hosting of community picnics. The Civic Office will be creating and issuing ‘picnic packs’ (available from 10th June) to organisers and the Mayor of Seaford can also be invited to attend.

The community picnics are being encouraged as a way of bringing residents and local organisations together, in open spaces, to connect the community and support those in need.

As it is the 25th Anniversary of Seaford Town Council, the Mayor of Seaford pledges to attend 25 picnics for the 25 years of Seaford Town Council – so please start organising and get in touch with the Mayor’s Secretary with your community picnic date asap to avoid disappointment!


More information will follow about how members of the public and/or organisations can get involved.

The Mayor has chosen Seafriends as her charity this year, this Seaford charity is a befriending group, benefitting anyone in Seaford who feels lonely or isolated. Keep an eye out on our website, social media, and at Civic events throughout the year for ways that you can support the Mayor’s chosen charity.