(This page was last updated July 2024)

UPDATE 03.07.2024:

The new Martello Toilets are OPEN!

Have you used them yet? Please leave us your feedback using the form below:

New Martello Toilets Feedback

UPDATE 14.06.2024:

The Martello Toilets are very nearly ready for opening up to the public, the last few installations have taken place and one final inspection underway!

The Town Council expect to unlock the toilets the week of 17th June, with an official opening and further details to be shared in July.


UPDATE 22.04.2024:

As initially planned, the refurbishment of the toilets was scheduled to be completed by April. However, we encountered some unexpected challenges along the way.

Firstly, the inclement weather conditions experienced during the winter months severely impacted the progress of the building project. Given the highly exposed location of the toilets, we lost a significant number of days to poor weather conditions.

Additionally, during the initial assessment of the building, the roof was deemed to be in a reasonable condition by experts. However, upon further inspection after the interior of the building was removed, it became evident that some of the beams would require replacement within the next decade. To preempt any future disruptions and ensure the long-term viability of the toilets, we made the decision to renew all the beams and the roof during this refurbishment phase.

Currently, we anticipate that the toilets will be open to the public towards the end of May, with the Rise-changing places facility opening around the same time. While we are in the process of finalising the sign-off for the Rise toilets, we have encountered some minor snagging issues which have been raised with the installer.

UPDATE 22.11.2023:

Closure of Martello Toilets – as contractors start work on the Town Council’s exciting Martello Toilets Refurbishment, these facilities are now closed until the spring of 2024.

After a detailed process, Seaford Town Council is thrilled that work has commenced on the Martello Toilets and Café Refurbishment.

With work starting, the facilities will be closed, and temporary compostable toilets will be placed near the site for residents and visitors to use.

Following feedback from the public consultation this summer, the Town Council has been working closely with Compoost Solutions to create a fully accessible and sustainable temporary facility for this space.

The new unit is due to arrive in the coming weeks and until this time the closest accessible toilets will be located at Place Lane. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Please note Martello Kiosk is now closed.

UPDATE 25.10.2023:

Following a rigorous tendering process, the Town Council has awarded the contract for the refurbishment of the Martello Toilets.

Seaford Town Council has appointed Harrity Building & Construction as the contractor to undertake the Martello Toilets and Café refurbishment, following a rigorous tendering process. Harrity Building & Construction will carry out the refurbishment as per the design which was developed and agreed by Seaford Town Councillors at the Full Council meeting on 26th January 2023 and approved by Lewes District Council Planners in April 2023. Work is expected to start on site in November 2023, aiming to be completed in Spring 2024.

UPDATE 21.09.2023:

In October 2022, Seaford Town Council announced that it had taken the decision to refurbish, rather than replace, the current Martello Toilets building. Work has been underway to progress the project, with the Town Council launching a public consultation period on the refurbishment plans.

The public consultation period ran from 17 February to Monday 13 March 2023 – thank you to all who responded! A further update is below…

The relevant documents of the plan to refurbish the facility are set below for review:

A Scheme was originally devised to demolish and rebuild the Martello toilets.  However, the associated costs had increased dramatically due to circumstances beyond the control of the Town Council and therefore alternative options were considered.  As a result, it was agreed by a Full Council that the facility would be refurbished to provide new toilet facilities and a refreshment concession thus delivering the priorities that had already been identified by the project.

Full Council unanimously agreed to the refurbishment proposals and a design was developed which was approved by planners in April 2023.  We are currently fine-tuning the structural design and specification and will seek quotes in Summer 2023 with a view to starting work towards the end of 2023.  A position statement was issued on 29th June 2023 and can be found here.


UPDATE 21.07.23:

Evaluation of Compostable Toilets

As a part of the redevelopment of the Martello toilet facilities, on Friday the 14th July three compostable toilets were placed alongside Martello Tower Esplanade to offer residents and visitors additional facilities. In alignment with its climate and sustainability goals, Seaford Town Council is trialling compostable toilets as a greener and more sustainable solution in the lead up to the closure of the Martello Toilets facilities this October.

Seaford Welcomes Compostable Toilets! Read the full article by clicking the link.

Seaford Town Council is keen to receive feedback on the units to ensure it gets a full picture for this pilot ahead of the closure of the facilities and further facilities being put in place.

Please submit responses using the form on the Public Consultations page here, responses regarding these facilities will close at midnight on Sunday 10th September for review.


Pictured below: proposed Martello Toilets facility and current Martello Toilets building

martello toilet block on Seaford seafront