Each year Seaford in Bloom blossoms in the town, with beautiful floral displays in and around the town centre for the summer months.

Originally stemming from the hard work of the Seaford in Bloom voluntary group in 1992, the scheme year on year attracts many compliments from those visiting the town centre.

Seaford Town Council took over the scheme in 2014 and felt it was an important part of the scenery in the town centre to be maintained.

The Town Council is looking at options for further floral displays, planters and beds across the town but in order to fund these would need the sponsorship of local businesses and/or individuals.

Special thanks go to Europlants Ltd for supplying and planting the stunning displays, ranging from the hanging baskets and fountain planters in Broad Street, to the arrangements in Church Street and the boat on Station Approach.

If you would like to assist by sponsoring with further displays please contact the Council on 01323 894870 or email [email protected]

Colourful flowers in baskets on the railings outside 37 Church Street, Seaford.Colourful flowers in pots and hanging baskets in Seaford Town outsite Tescos.Colourful flowers in hanging baskets haning on the outside Seaford train station.Colourful flower displayed in a blue boot on the grass oposite Morrisons petrol station.